Off to Scotland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Discovering the Castle

Kaz was taken by the modern fashions of Edinburgh and I can still remember with delight Kaz admiring the fashions and as we strolled down West Approach Road. As we came to the corner, I pointed out a girl’s lovely shoes to her thus keeping her attention focused as we stepped around the corner. I then said “It’s amazing isn’t it how we can notice little things like that and not see the big things around us.” She looked at me quizzically before crying out in an amazed voice – “Oh wow – what a castle!” And this was folks her introduction to Edinburgh castle.

We walked through the Princess Street gardens before ascending the granite tor and taking our tour of the Castle. I could detail more of this fantastic place but I really think that you have to go there to fully appreciate it’s magnificence. Kaz enjoyed the tour and was particularly taken by the 13th century St Margaret’s chapel.


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