Off to Scotland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

21 May 2006

Edinburgh – a Capital Place
Forgive the pun – but I think leaving Edinburgh to last on our trip was a capital idea. After 8 or 9 days touring across, the countryside, seeing sheep, cold weather, sheep, remote beaches, sheep, one lane roads, sheep, whisky, sheep, only one Puffin and sheep, Kaz was rather pleased to be back in civilization once more. We chose a B&B not far from the city, around a 2.5k walk. After settling in, we set off toward the City and got into the City Centre on a somewhat drizzly day.

The city was having an Art theme based on Cow statues. These were close to life sized cows done up as Robots, Dancers, Cops, you name it. I had my picture taken milking Robo Cow.


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