Off to Scotland

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Skye - 13 May 2006

On the 13th we pressed on toward Skye. We had lunch in Fort William that was described in our Guide book as a reasonable sized tourist town. I personally think Cooma in NSW has more personality – not that I have a right to have a go at my compatriots from the Snowy Mountains. After lunch (which included a quite acceptable cappuccino), we headed up to Malloig and caught the ferry across to Skye (to Armadale). From memory, the car was £18 or so, PLUS we had to pay for our own passage at £9 apiece. Quite expensive really.

That night we found a B&B in Carbost a remote village on Skye. Carbost is the home of Tallisker Whisky but unfortunately, we missed the last tour. I do enjoy it's peaty taste. I decided that the next best thing to a tour was to venture across to the Old Inn and enjoy a pub meal, a few pints, and taste some of that Tallisker whisky. The place was packed out with hikers and the odd Scotsman. This particular odd Scot was dressed up in his kilt and quite happy to leer over any young lady (or old) who happened by him.

About 9 the the Saturday night entertainment commenced. I expected the music to be more like the folk music of the western side of Ireland. To my surprise, the singer did covers of mostly 60s British bands with the occasional song like “Bound for Botany Bay” or “The Wild Colonial Boy” thrown in. Needless to say, he was a hit with the crowd.


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