Off to Scotland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To the North - 16 May 2006

On the 16th May, we drove north, stopping at Tain and duly noting its Whisky distillery for future reference. We checked out the “Time through Tain” exhibition. All that did was to remind me once again how religion has been used for purposes both good and evil for centuries. But let me not imbue you with my shot at the clergy and kings for I must tell you of the magnificence of the north and particularly John O’Groats.

John O Graots is a hyped up piece of nothingness with a port and ferry to the Orkneys. It claims the honour of Britains most northerly point, which it is not. That goes to Dunnett Head a few miles away. We booked for the next two nights at the SYHA. We had a room to ourselves for ₤15 each but by crikey was the weather cold. We went for a walk hoping to see the elusive puffins but I fear I am destined to never see one alive.


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