Off to Scotland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

20 May 2006

Off to Fyfe
We motored down the pretty Scottish coastline to Dundee where we paused to spend a few hours going through the Discovery Point museum dedicated to the famous Arctic explorer Captain Scott and his brave group of fellow explorers, scientists and seamen. The displays are very good but it is the preserved ship that is a delight to visit. You get a vivid idea of how tough it must have been and how dedicated a bunch they were. I guess their motivation was glory but these men risked everything for their cause and country. The story of the gallantry of those who came to rescue them and also of the folly of some of their choices makes this a very worthwhile display.

And so on we traveled, down through Fyfe. We stopped at the old St Andrews course for a look-see. Neither of us are passionate enough about golf to do more than admire the scenery. Driving through the town, you now see up to 4 “new” courses. The auld boys at St Andrews are certainly expanding the golf courses in the area to take full advantage of the golfing tourist dollar.


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