Off to Scotland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

19 May 2006

We spent two days in Aberdeen taking in the sights. One gem of a tourist attraction is Provost Skeen’s house. It was due for demolition before the Queen Mother showed some interest in adding her support to it’s restoration. She had foresight the old departed dear. This place is now fully restored and is a delight, particularly the ceiling painting dating back to 1622 that had been plastered over during the reign of destruction of the old Catholic icons that was known as the Reformation.

At one stage, the place was a youth hostel, infirmary - you name it.

Whilst at the Provost, I got a call from Dance Holidays in Spain. They were keen to get some people to come run some lessons there. It was an opportunity not to be missed and will be the subject of a future blog.


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