Off to Scotland

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Off to Scotland - 11 May 2006

I booked Kaz and myself on a Ryan Air flight to Prestwick Airport in Scotland leaving on the 11th May. The Ryan Air special (for 14 pence each) was too good to refuse. One of the two certainties in life struck us immediately. Not death, but taxes of around £30 each. In any case, for the quite reasonable sum of $150 Aussie dollars, our return flights were booked for the 11th of May.

Elise Harris put us up the night before in Putney as this cut about 40 minutes off the morrows trip to Stanstead Airport. We enjoyed a fantastic home cooked meal before trundling down to a pub on the banks of the Thames for an enjoyable grog by the water. I think she was happy to have some company as Ian had gone home for a family visit that week. We were both astounded to hear that Elise had run the London marathon the week before. 42 kilometers by any measure is a significant running achievement. I doubt Elise will make the Olympic team with her time but she can always look back and say “I did it!”


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