Off to Scotland

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Stirling Gaol

We checked out Stirling Gaol and that too struck me as an excellent tour. An actor who went in and out of several disguises and characterizations took us around the cells enlightening us on the history of prisons. People have been locked up for years but only took on its current popularity when enlightened individuals felt the number of people dying from floggings was rather high and that incarceration was more humane. It all depends on your perspective really. Especially when the majority of Wardens were more than happy to ensure your life was a total misery and it really comes home to haunt you in this place.

As you can see by my attire, I had adopted long johns and other warm clothes under my garb to try and stay warm on what was quite a bitter day. Our tour guide did suggesst that I probably deserved to be locked up based on my disregard for fashion.


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